Young Women in Harmony was created to engage the next generation of barbershop singers in 4-part, a cappella harmony. Sweet Adelines International and Region 9 Coastal Harmony are passionate about introducing younger singers to the barbershop music art form through the Young Women in Harmony (YWIH) program. Designed for singers age 25 and younger, YWIH creates opportunities for students to explore the world of barbershop music through education, festivals, workshops, camps and competitions.
Watch our most recent Rising Star Champions below!
Resources for Music Educators
YWIH offers complimentary resources for music educators that incorporate barbershop harmony into their school's choral repertoire. Barbershop singing is a rewarding accomplishment for vocal ensembles of all ages, and the curriculum is available at no cost. Music educators interested in bringing barbershop to your school or planning a specific event that promotes a cappella harmony to young singers, please complete an online application and browse the resources below: